the Avalanche

While budding spring surrounds us with hope, battles for survival still rage within. The heaviness is bitter and oppressive. It makes all life seem beautiful and delicate. The fragility within is like a suffocating, bitter early spring blizzard. It threatens to snap the cheerful buds, silence the chirping birds. During the bleak January, the following … More the Avalanche

Times of Darkness: Dependence on the Light

The Darkness is there. It will always be there, As long as Creation exists. Darkness leads to dependence, Dependence on the Light. When asked, when ready, the Source sends forth the Light,  Gives the lit Lantern to the seeker of goodwill. Then he, the pilgrim, the wanderer, the explorer rejoices. For now, with his lantern, and … More Times of Darkness: Dependence on the Light

Times of Darkness: Wrestling with Sadness

Darkness is a time of wrestling. Darkness gives confidence to hidden things. They no longer hide, suppressed by light and merriment. Under the comfort of darkness, certain emotions creep up to the conscious mind, stand up, and say “Face us, we’ve been with you all along.” Light gives us courage; darkness exposes us for what … More Times of Darkness: Wrestling with Sadness

Times of Darkness: Grateful for Light

It’s remarkable how the darkness of November grows. If you’re a light-loving Photogen, it is noticeably oppressive by Thanksgiving, celebrated by Americans as a national Holiday dedicated to celebrating gratitude. This day, in American culture, is often the kick-start to the holidays. And yet, overlapping the holidays is a time of great darkness. Wintertime is … More Times of Darkness: Grateful for Light

Why do you write?

“It is necessary to write if the days are not to slip emptily by.” ~Vita Sackville-West Writing is like drinking water. The very action of showing up here typing these words, or groggily doing my morning pages a few minutes ago, is like the perkiness one feels coursing through one’s veins when one drinks that … More Why do you write?

After Nine Months

Hello dear reader! After nine months of silence, I am back. Thank you to all those inquired and encouraged me to return. So much has happened during the time of quiet, internal, soulful gestation. Here are the highlights: It is with pleasure that I return to this virtual turf and greet you with warm wishes. … More After Nine Months